Be Like the Bird: Lessons from My 107-Year-Old Grandmother“Girls! Too much sugar!” This was a common refrain from my grandmother during Canasta games in which my sister and I would get sillier and…Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021
How To Become a Conversation DesignerOf all the questions I get asked about conversation design, “how do I become a conversation designer?” is the most common.Nov 24, 20193Nov 24, 20193
How to Be a Good Podcast GuestI’ve seen many articles and blog posts on how to start a podcast, how to run a podcast, and how to host (there’s even a podcast ABOUT…Sep 22, 2019Sep 22, 2019
A Conversation With My 35-year-old Chatbot (Part 2 — Technical Details)In Part 1, I introduced the chatbot I programmed when I was 12, on my Commodore 64. It includes a video demo of the chatbot in action.Jul 29, 2019Jul 29, 2019
Published inChatbots LifeA Conversation With My 35-year-old Chatbot (Part 1)Think chatbots are pretty new? Let’s hop in a time machine and go back…way back…to 1984.Jul 29, 20192Jul 29, 20192
I’m a PhD Dropout, and That’s OkayAcademic probation. I read the letter with a mixture of anger and disbelief. How could I, always such a good student, be getting such a…Nov 26, 20186Nov 26, 20186
Published inBecoming Human: Artificial Intelligence MagazineWhat happens to me if I fail your test?I recently attended an artificial intelligence retreat in Norway. Why Norway? Well, for one thing, Norway is breathtakingly beautiful, so…Oct 8, 2018Oct 8, 2018
My Year of Saying YesI’ve always been a person of “what ifs”. What if the cat gets sick right before we leave on our big trip? What if I get on the wrong bus…Aug 14, 20183Aug 14, 20183